Sunday, May 24, 2015

Life Remote Control

Finally I watched this Street-Art movie, "Exit through the gift shop".

I can not really remember where I had it from, but when the movie came out, some culture magazine on TV or print lamented it wouldn't be worth watching, because it wasn't really about Banksy, nor about his famous Street-Art works.

Back then I listened to them and cancelled the theatre, which was stupid, because THEY must have been expecting some Discovery Channel story like "Unveiling the real truth about the mystery artist". But even the introduction says it's a Banksy movie and, yeah, ... it's about Street-Art, its history, about Art Business and not at least about Mr. Brainwash (MBW).

I watched it two times, it was very amusing and interesting as well and once more I learned better not to listen to the culture reviews. If you're interested in Street-Arts and the bigger picture, watch it.

Related links to that other movie, mentioned in the film:
Life Remote Control: The Movie  (link to the homepage)
Life Remote Control by Thierry Guetta (Mr. Brainwash clip on youtube; be careful with this:)


  1. Mr. Elephant - up all night again? :P

  2. There's no night on my island, so I need no sleep :)
