Friday, July 18, 2014

The story of Faul

Final proof: Paul giving advice to Faul how to hold the famous Hofner violin bass properly.

Last week I came across the highly disturbing story of the Curious Case of Faul McCartney and the Beatles on Bluebottles Blog.
I had heard these stories earlier. About Paul, being replaced by a double called Faul, after a deadly car accident. To be honest, I always gave a hamsterfuck about these theories and the above linked video made me literally laugh out loud on some parts of how proof is delivered here.
But then it left me sleepless and after three nights of deep internet search in teh super secret places I found this pic that finally woke me up from my nice Beatles dreams.
- Thank you, Bluebottle. Without you I would still think I'm listening to the real Beatles (with Paul), but now that my eyes have been opened, my whole world has changed. Oh god, over decades I'm listening to a one quarter fake band ... :)

1 comment:

  1. That photo is amazing Floker,and look how high Faul wears his trousers,i'm sure "Macca" would never walk around like that.
